Creating a Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire: Examples and Tips
16 Apr 2024
Updated on 12 Jul 2024

With a variety of options available at just a click, customer loyalty now depends on a consistently positive experience. This is where customer satisfaction questionnaires play an important role.


This instrument provides valuable insights for companies about what is working, what needs to be improved, and how to create experiences that keep customers coming back again and again.


Research conducted by Bain & Company reveals that a 5% increase in customer retention can boost the average lifetime customer profit by 50% in various industries, and can even reach 90% in certain industries such as insurance. These findings highlight the huge impact of maintaining customer satisfaction and how it directly impacts the financial success of a business.


Furthermore, Ipsos research found that 52% of consumers who had a bad experience would tell their friends, family, or colleagues. However, what is surprising is that the number of consumers who shared their good experiences was higher, namely 56%. These findings show that customer satisfaction experiences are being shared more frequently, providing significant opportunities for businesses to leverage positive word-of-mouth. 


The benefits of customer satisfaction questionnaires lie not only in the data collected but also in the potential of what you can do with that data. Your business can identify key areas for improvement, track progress from time to time, and measure the effectiveness of initiatives. This feedback loop ensures that your business is always evolving to meet customers' changing needs.


This article will provide sample questionnaires that are effective for various types of businesses, and provide tips for increasing questionnaire response rates.


Formulating Effective Questions

The right questions can help in digging up relevant information.


Types of Questions in Questionnaires

Creating an effective questionnaire starts with selecting the right types of questions. The following are several types of questions that are commonly used:


  • Likert Scale: Measures the respondent's level of agreement with a statement, from strongly disagree to strongly agree.

  • Multiple Choice: Provides predefined answer options, making data analysis easier.

  • Open Questions: Allows respondents to provide more detailed and varied feedback.

  • Scoring Scale: Provides scores on certain aspects, such as product quality or service experience.


The Importance of Choosing the Right Words

Choosing the right words in questionnaire questions is also very crucial. Here are some points to pay attention to:


  • Questions should be clear, concise, and easy to understand.

  • Avoid using jargon or confusing technical terms.

  • Use neutral language to avoid bias.

  • Focus on customer behavior and experience.


Paying attention to the above aspects in compiling a questionnaire will ensure that you get quality feedback that is representative of your customer experience.


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Examples of Questionnaire Questions for Various Businesses

Through the following examples, we will see how questionnaire questions can be adapted to capture the specific needs of each sector.



  1. How satisfied are you with the shopping experience at our store?

  2. Is the variety and availability of the product satisfactory?

  3. What do you think about the store's layout and atmosphere?

  4. How would you rate our customer service?

  5. Do you feel our prices match the quality of the product?



  1. How would you rate the quality and taste of the food?

  2. Is the service provided fast, friendly, and attentive?

  3. What do you think about the atmosphere and ambiance of the restaurant?

  4. Are you satisfied with the cleanliness and hygiene of our restaurant?

  5. Do you feel you are getting value for the price paid?


Hotel or Accommodation

  1. Did the check-in and check-out processes run smoothly and efficiently for you?

  2. What is your level of satisfaction with the cleanliness and comfort of the room?

  3. How would you rate the friendliness and service provided by our hotel staff?

  4. Do the hotel facilities and amenities meet your expectations?

  5. Would you recommend this hotel to others?


Online Service (e.g Streaming Platforms, E-commerce)

  1. How easy is it to use our website/application?

  2. Are you satisfied with the variety and quality of the content we offer?

  3. What do you think about our customer service?

  4. Do you feel our subscription/service costs are worth it?

  5. Will you continue to use our services and recommend it to others?


Professional Services (e.g. Lawyers, Doctors, Consultants)

  1. Are communication and service responsiveness satisfactory?

  2. Do you feel confident with the service provider's knowledge and expertise?

  3. Did the service meet your expectations and provide the desired results?

  4. Do you believe the costs charged commensurate with the services provided?

  5. Would you recommend this service to others?


Example of Complete Questionnaire Form for Retail Business

This is an example of a complete questionnaire form for a retail business.


Retail Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire

(Make sure the title is short and representative)


1. General Information

(This question helps in analyzing data based on customer demographics)


  • Gender:

    • Man

    • Women


  • Age:

    • < 20 years

    • 20-29 years old

    • 30-39 years old

    • 40-49 years old

    • 50 years and over


  • Shopping Frequency:

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Every few months

    • Rarely


2. Shopping Experience Evaluation

(Using a Likert scale from 1 (Very Dissatisfied) to 5 (Very Satisfied))


  • How do you rate the availability of the product you are looking for?

  • How would you rate the friendliness and expertise of our staff?

  • How would you rate the convenience and layout of the store?

  • How would you rate the payment process and speed of service?

  • How would you rate the price of our products compared to their quality?


3. Open Questions

(Get more detailed and personalized feedback)


  • What do you like most about the shopping experience at our store? [answer box opens]

  • Are there any aspects that you think need improvement? [answer box opens]


4. Customer Loyalty

(Using a scale Very unlikely, Unlikely, Neutral, Possible, Very likely)


  • How likely are you to shop at our store again?

  • How likely are you to recommend our shop to family or friends?


5. Additional Feedback

  • Please feel free to provide any additional comments or suggestions you have for us. [answer box opens]


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Tips for Increasing Questionnaire Response Rates

Getting a high response rate from customer satisfaction surveys is the key to getting accurate and valuable data. Here are some tips for increasing questionnaire response rates:


Questionnaire Distribution Strategy

  • Choose the distribution method that best suits your target audience, whether online, email, or on-site.

  • Make sure the questionnaire is easy for customers to access and fill out.

  • Make the process of filling out the questionnaire as intuitive as possible, reducing technical or procedural barriers.


Provide Incentives

  • Consider providing incentives, such as discounts, loyalty points, or other rewards as appreciation for the time spent completing the questionnaire.

  • These incentives not only increase response but also increase customer loyalty.


Ensure the Questionnaire is Short and Interesting

  • Keep the questionnaire short and to the point. Long questionnaires often deter respondents from completing them.

  •  Use engaging language and relevant questions to maintain respondents' interest.


Increasing Respondent Trust

  • Guarantee the confidentiality and privacy of the data provided.

  • Communicate how their feedback will be used for service improvement.

  • Show examples of real follow-up from previous questionnaire results that can increase trust and interest in participating again.


Customer satisfaction questionnaire is the right tool to understand and improve customer experience. With the right approach, questionnaires will not only increase customer satisfaction but also help in the growth and sustainability of your business.


A well-designed customer satisfaction survey can act as a bridge between your business and customers. Provide a platform for open and honest feedback that can be used to improve every aspect of your business operations.


To help collect customer feedback, utilize the tSurvey solution from Telkomsel Enterprise. This is an online survey platform that reaches respondents throughout Indonesia.


With tSurvey, you can collect customer feedback quickly and accurately, reaching respondents in 38 provinces and 514 districts or cities, and getting a fast response.


Afterward, to ensure that every interaction with customers becomes an opportunity to strengthen relationships and increase loyalty, adopt Customer Engagement Platform (CEP) solutions from Telkomsel Enterprise.


CEP offers complete customer profiling features, enabling businesses to provide targeted offers to the market, increase customer retention, and better understand customer behavior.


With other features such as personalized campaign targets and a Cloud as SaaS-based database, CEP stands out compared to other solutions, giving your business a competitive advantage. Contact us now to get complete information regarding tSurvey and CEP.


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