Telkomsel New Board of Directors | Telkomsel

Telkomsel New Board of Directors

Telkomsel New Board of Directors

Jakarta, 5 May 2017 – Today, Telkomsel held Annual General Meeting at Telkomsel Smart Office, Jakarta. Melalui keputusan pemegang saham, PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (Telkom) dan Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. (SingTel) selaku pemegang saham Telkomsel melakukan penyegaran di tiga posisi yakni: Direktur Sales, Direktur Network dan Direktur Human Capital.

Through shareholder's decision, PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (Telkom) and Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. (SingTel) as Telkomsel's shareholders changed three positions: Director of Sales, Director of Network and Director of Human Capital Management.

Susunan Baru Direksi Telkomsel

Sukardi Silalahi who previously served as Telkomsel’s Director of Network was appointed as Sales Director, where this position was previously filled by Mas'ud Khamid (now serving as Consumer Service Director of Telkom Indonesia). Meanwhile, the position of Network Director is filled by Bob Apriawan, and Irfan Tachrir as Director of Human Capital Management replacing Priyantono Rudito. The establishment of Telkomsel's new board of directors is in line with the company's strategy to strengthen the business, organization and human resources in order to keep the company grow and stay ahead.

Thus, the composition of Telkomsel's Board of Directors is as follows:

President Director: Ririek Adriansyah

Director of Sales: Sukardi Silalahi

Director of Finance: Heri Supriadi

Director of Human Capital Management: Irfan Tachrir

Director of Network: Bob Apriawan

Director of Planning & Transformation: Edward Ying Siew Heng

Director of IT: Montgomery Hong

Director of Marketing: Alistair Johnston