IndiHome Telepon


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top-bg bottom-bg
Internet+Phone 30Mbps
Rp 285.000



Biaya pasang

Internet+Phone 50 Mbps
Rp 340.000



Biaya pasang

Internet+Phone+TV 100 Mbps
Rp 485.000



Biaya pasang


Biaya telepon IndiHome


Jarak Pukul Durasi per Pulsa Harga per Pulsa
0 s.d. 20 km 00.00 - 06.00 3 menit Rp250
06.00 - 18.00 2 menit Rp300
18.00 - 24.00 3 menit Rp250
> 20 km 00.00 - 06.00 2 menit Rp250
06.00 - 18.00 1.5 menit Rp300
18.00 - 06.00 2 menit Rp250


Jarak: < 30 km

Jarak Pukul Durasi per Pulsa Harga per Pulsa
0 s.d. 20 km 00.00 - 07.00 1 menit Rp83
07.00 - 22.00 1 menit Rp153
22.00 - 24.00 1 menit Rp83
> 20 s.d. 30 km 00.00 - 07.00 1 menit Rp122
07.00 - 22.00 1 menit Rp204
22.00 - 24.00 1 menit Rp122

Jarak: > 30 km

Hari: Senin s.d. Sabtu

Jarak Pukul Durasi per Pulsa Harga per Pulsa
>30 s.d. 200 km 06.00 - 07.00 6 detik Rp800
07.00 - 22.00 6 detik Rp1.375
22.00 - 23.00 6 detik Rp800
23.00 - 06.00 6 detik Rp320
> 200 s.d. 500 km 06.00 - 07.00 6 detik Rp1.137,5
07.00 - 22.00 6 detik Rp2.212,5
22.00 - 23.00 6 detik Rp1.137,5
23.00 - 06.00 6 detik Rp320
> 500 km 06.00 - 07.00 6 detik Rp1.412,5
07.00 - 22.00 6 detik Rp2.625
22.00 - 23.00 6 detik Rp1.412,5
23.00 - 06.00 6 detik Rp320

Jarak: > 30 km

Hari: Minggu, Hari Libur dan Hari Libur Nasional

Jarak Pukul Durasi per Pulsa Harga per Pulsa
>30 s.d. 200 km 06.00 - 23.00 6 detik Rp800
23.00 - 06.00 6 detik Rp320
> 200 s.d. 500 km 06.00 - 23.00 6 detik Rp1.137,5
23.00 - 06.00 6 detik Rp320
> 500 km 06.00 - 23.00 6 detik Rp1.412,5
23.00 - 06.00 6 detik Rp320

SLI/International Direct Dialing Group I-III

Group I (< Rp5.000)

No. Destination Country Code/Dial Digit Tariff/minute (Rp)
1 Brunei Darussalam 673 4.550
2 Myanmar (Burma) 95 4.550
3 Malaysia 60 4.550
4 Philippines 63 4.550
5 Singapore 65 4.550
6 Thailand 66 4.550
7 Vietnam 84 4.550
8 Australia 61 4.550
9 Fiji 679 4.550
10 French Polynesia 689 4.550
11 Marshall Islands (Majuro) 692 4.550
12 Micronesia 691 4.550
13 New Zealand 64 4.550
14 Palau 680 4.550
15 Samoa 685 4.550
16 New Caledonia 687 4.550

Group II (Rp5.001 - Rp7.500)

No. Destination Country Code/Dial Digit Tariff/minute (Rp)
1 United States 1 5.850
2 Canada 1 5.850
3 American Samoa 1(684) 5.850
4 Anguilla 1(264) 5.850
5 Antigua and Barbuda 1(268) 5.850
6 Bahamas 1(242) 5.850
7 Barbados 1(246) 5.850
8 Bermuda 1(441) 5.850
9 British Virgin Islands 1(284) 5.850
10 Cayman Islands 1(345) 5.850
11 Dominica 1(767) 5.850
12 Dominican Republic 1(809 & 829) 5.850
13 Grenada/Carriacou 1(473) 5.850
14 Guam 1(671) 5.850
15 Hawaii 1(808) 5.850
16 Jamaica 1(876) 5.850
17 Montserrat 1(664) 5.850
18 Northern Marianas 1(670) 5.850
19 Puerto Rico 1(787 & 939) 5.850
20 St Kitts Et Nevis 1(869) 5.850
21 St Lucia 1(758) 5.850
22 St Vincent & the Grenadines 1(784) 5.850
23 Trinidad & Tobago 1(868) 5.850
24 Turks & Caicos 1(649) 5.850
25 U.S. Virgin Islands 1(340) 5.850
26 Argentina 54 5.850
27 Belize 501 5.850
28 Bolivia 591 5.850
29 Brazil 55 5.850
30 Chile 56 5.850
31 Colombia 57 5.850
32 Costa Rica 506 5.850
33 Ecuador 593 5.850
34 El Salvador 503 5.850
35 French Antilles (Guadeloupe, etc.) 590 5.850
36 French Guiana 594 5.850
37 Guatemala 502 5.850
38 Guyana 592 5.850
39 Honduras 504 5.850
40 Martinique 596 5.850
41 Mexico 52 5.850
42 Nicaragua 505 5.850
43 Panama 507 5.850
44 Paraguay 595 5.850
45 Peru 51 5.850
46 St Pierre Et Miquelon 508 5.850
47 Suriname 597 5.850
48 Uruguay 598 5.850
49 Venezuela 58 5.850
50 Algeria 213 5.850
51 Aruba (South American continent) 297 5.850
52 Benin 229 5.850
53 Botswana 267 5.850
54 Burkina Faso 226 5.850
55 Burundi 257 5.850
56 Cape Verde 238 5.850
57 Central African Republic 236 5.850
58 Chad 235 5.850
59 Congo (Kinshasa, formerly Zaire) 243 5.850
60 Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 225 5.850
61 Djibouti 253 5.850
62 Egypt 20 5.850
63 Eritrea 291 5.850
64 Ethiopia 251 5.850
65 Faroe Islands 298 5.850
66 Gabon 241 5.850
67 Gambia 220 5.850
68 Ghana 233 5.850
69 Guinea 224 5.850
70 Kenya 254 5.850
71 Lesotho 266 5.850
72 Liberia 231 5.850
73 Libya 218 5.850
74 Mali 223 5.850
75 Mauritius 230 5.850
76 Mayotte Et Reunion 262 5.850
77 Morocco 212 5.850
78 Mozambique 258 5.850
79 Namibia 264 5.850
80 Nigeria 234 5.850
81 Rwanda 250 5.850
82 Senegal 221 5.850
83 Somalia 252 5.850
84 South Africa 27 5.850
85 Sudan 249 5.850
86 Swaziland 268 5.850
87 Tanzania 255 5.850
88 Togolese Republic 228 5.850
89 Tunisia 216 5.850
90 Uganda 256 5.850
91 Zambia 260 5.850
92 Zimbabwe 263 5.850
93 Bangladesh 880 5.850
94 Cambodia 855 5.850
95 China 86 5.850
96 Hong Kong 852 5.850
97 Japan 81 5.850
98 Russia / Kazakhstan 7 5.850
99 Laos 856 5.850
100 Macao 853 5.850
101 Russia / Kazakhstan 7 5.850
102 South Korea 82 5.850
103 Taiwan 886 5.850
104 Azerbaijan 994 5.850
105 Bhutan 975 5.850
106 Georgia 995 5.850
107 India 91 5.850
108 Kyrgyz Republic 996 5.850
109 Mongolia 976 5.850
110 Nepal 977 5.850
111 Pakistan 92 5.850
112 Palestine 970 5.850
113 Sri Lanka 94 5.850
114 Tajikistan 992 5.850
115 Turkey 90 5.850
116 Turkmenistan 993 5.850
117 Uzbekistan 998 5.850
118 Cameroon 237 5.850
119 Malawi 265 5.850
120 Haiti 509 6.810
121 Comoros 269 7.030
122 South Sudan 211 7.410
123 Sierra Leone 232 7.440

Group III (Rp7.501 - Rp10.000)

No. Destination Country Code/Dial Digit Tariff/minute (Rp)
1 Albania 355 8.000
2 Andorra 376 8.000
3 Armenia 374 8.000
4 Austria 43 8.000
5 Belarus 375 8.000
6 Belgium 32 8.000
7 Bosnia Et Hercegovina 387 8.000
8 Bulgaria 359 8.000
9 Croatia (Hrvatska) 385 8.000
10 Cyprus 357 8.000
11 Czech Republic 420 8.000
12 Denmark 45 8.000
13 Estonia 372 8.000
14 Finland 358 8.000
15 France 33 8.000
16 Germany 49 8.000
17 Gibraltar 350 8.000
18 Greece 30 8.000
19 Hungary 36 8.000
20 Iceland 354 8.000
21 Ireland 353 8.000
22 Italy 39 8.000
23 Latvia 371 8.000
24 Liechtenstein 423 8.000
25 Luxembourg 352 8.000
26 Macedonia 389 8.000
27 Malta 356 8.000
28 Moldova 373 8.000
29 Monaco 377 8.000
30 Montenegro 382 8.000
31 Netherlands 31 8.000
32 Norway 47 8.000
33 Poland 48 8.000
34 Portugal 351 8.000
35 Romania 40 8.000
36 San Marino 378 8.000
37 Serbia 381 8.000
38 Slovakia 421 8.000
39 Slovenia 386 8.000
40 Spain 34 8.000
41 Sweden 46 8.000
42 Switzerland 41 8.000
43 Ukraine 380 8.000
44 United Kingdom 44 8.000
45 Vatican City 379 8.000
46 Yugoslavia 381 8.000
47 Netherlands Antilles 599 8.260
48 Equatorial Guinea 240 8.320
49 Afghanistan 93 8.500
50 Bahrain 973 8.500
51 Iran 98 8.500
52 Iraq 964 8.500
53 Israel 972 8.500
54 Jordan 962 8.500
55 Kuwait 965 8.500
56 Lebanon 961 8.500
57 Oman 968 8.500
58 Qatar 974 8.500
59 Saudi Arabia 966 8.500
60 Syria 963 8.500
61 United Arab Emirates 971 8.500
62 Yemen 967 8.500
63 Congo (Brazzaville) 242 8.770
64 Niger 227 9.040
65 Mauritania 222 9.050

SLI/International Direct Dialing Group IV-VI

Group IV (Rp10.001 - Rp30.000)

No. Destination Country Code/Dial Digit Tariff/minute (Rp)
1 Madagascar 261 10.530
2 Seychelles 248 10.870
3 Angola 244 12.010
4 Maldives 960 12.410
5 Tonga 676 18.190
6 Vanuatu 678 18.190
7 Falkland Islands 500 19.640
8 Australian External Territories 672 21.000
9 Christmas Island 61891 21.000
10 Cocos (Keeling) 61891 21.000
11 Cook Islands 682 21.000
12 Cuba 53 21.000
13 East Timor 670 21.000
14 Greenland 299 21.000
15 Guinea-Bissau 245 21.000
16 Kiribati, Gilbert Is 686 21.000
17 Lithuania 370 21.000
18 Niue Island 683 21.000
19 North Korea 850 21.000
20 Papua New Guinea 675 21.000
21 Sao Tome Et Principe 239 21.000
22 Solomon Islands 677 21.000
23 St Helena Et Tristan da Cunha 290 21.000
24 Tuvalu, Ellice Is (Saipan) 688 21.000
25 Wallis & Futuna 681 21.000
26 Nauru 674 25.740

Group V (> Rp30.000)

No. Destination Country Code/Dial Digit Tariff/minute (Rp)
1 Ascension 247 30.580
2 Tokelau 690 39.410
3 Diego-Garcia 246 43.270

Group VI (Satellite)

No. Destination Country Code/Dial Digit Tariff/minute (Rp)
1 Inmarsat Satellite All 87 31.958
2 Russia - Mobile Global 7954 31.958
3 France - Mobile Globalstar 336380, 3364000, 3364001, 3364002, 3364003, 3364004 31.958
4 International Network Satellite 882, 883 59.424

SLI/International Direct Dialing Group VII

Group VII (Special Service International)

No. Destination Country Code/Dial Digit Tariff/minute (Rp)
1 Australia - Special Service 6133 10.949
2 Australia - Priority 1300 6113 10.949
3 Austria - Special Services 43711, 43720, 43730, 43740, 43780, 43810, 43820 10.949
4 Austria Other 43 10.949
5 Belarus Mobility Services 375000000, 37533344, 37533357 10.949
6 Belarus Special Services 37506, 37510, 37515, 37517, 37521, 37522, 37523, 37526, 37560 10.949
7 Cameroon 2378 10.949
8 Finland Special Services 35810, 35820, 35829, 35830, 35860, 358700, 35873, 35875, 35876, 358800 10.949
9 Finland - Corporate 35810, 35820, 35829, 35830, 35839, 35860, 35870, 358700, 35873, 35875, 35876, 358800 10.949
10 France Special Service 3380, 3381, 3382, 3383, 3384, 3385, 3386, 3387, 33880, 33881, 33882, 33883, 33884, 3389064, 3389071, 33891, 33892, 33893, 33894, 33895, 33896, 33897, 33898, 33899, 3396, 3397, 3398 10.949
11 France-Alternative-Network 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 339 10.949
12 France Other 33 10.949
13 Guinea Bissau 245, 2453 10.949
14 Guinea Bissau Special Services 2454000, 2454200, 2454500, 24549 10.949
15 Ireland Special Services 35376, 353818 10.949
16 Latvia Mobility Services 3712400, 3712500, 3712501, 3712769, 3712791, 3712795, 3712797, 3712840, 3712900, 37165153, 37165158, 37165159, 37165418, 37168504, 37168519, 3716891, 3717870, 3717880, 3717887, 37180400, 3718060, 371810, 3719010, 3719040, 3719060 10.949
17 Latviaspecial Mobile 3712, 3716, 3717, 3718, 3719 10.949
18 Madagascar Special Services A 261200, 2612002 10.949
19 Madagascargulfsat 261200, 26122 10.949
20 Netherlands - Special Services 31660, 31670, 31671, 31672, 31673, 31674, 31675, 316760, 31677, 31678, 31679, 3184, 3185, 3187, 31900, 31906, 31909 10.949
21 Niger Special Services 2271, 227201, 2272039, 22739 10.949
22 Niger-Republic-Premium 22718, 22719, 2272018, 2272019 10.949
23 Niger-Republic-Space-Mob1 2272010 10.949
24 Niger-Republic-Special-Services 2271, 227201, 2272039, 22739, 22793009 10.949
25 South Africa Special Services 27100, 27120, 27130, 27140, 27150, 27160, 27180, 27210, 27310, 27320, 27410, 27510, 27873 10.949
26 South Africa OLO 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279 10.949
27 Spain - Special Services 3451, 34510, 34511, 345120, 345121, 345122, 345123, 345124, 345125, 345126, 34512700, 34512702, 34512703, 34512704, 34512705, 34512706, 34512707, 34512708, 34512709, 3451271, 3451272, 3451273, 3451274, 3451275, 3451276, 3451277, 3451278, 3451279, 345128, 345129, 34513, 34514, 34515, 34516, 34517, 34518, 34519, 3470, 34902 10.949
28 Taiwan - Mobility Services 8869401, 8869402, 8869403, 8869404, 8869405, 886941, 8869430, 8869431, 8869432, 8869433, 8869435, 8869436, 8869437, 8869438, 8869439, 8869455, 8869456, 8869457, 8869458, 8869459, 8869461, 8869463, 8869465, 8869466, 8869467, 8869468, 8869469, 8869470, 8869471, 8869472, 8869476, 8869478, 8869490, 8869491, 8869492, 8869498, 8869499, 886951, 8869713, 8869770, 8869771, 8869772, 8869773, 8869774, 8869775, 8869776, 8869777, 887000000000 10.949
29 Turkey - Nomadic Services 90850 10.949
30 Turkey 444 Services 90444 10.949
31 Turkey_Alt 90850 10.949
32 Turkey_Special 902, 903, 904 10.949
33 Turkeyother 90 10.949
34 Germany (Harmonized Serv) 49116 10.949
35 Germany (In-Services) 4918 10.949
36 Chile-Rural 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567 10.949
37 Liechtenstein - Mobile 42360, 42361, 42362, 42363, 42364, 42365, 42366, 42367, 42368 10.949
38 Liechtenstein - Mob (Gold) 4236, 4237 10.949
39 Armenia - Special Services 37460 10.949
40 Armenia Proper 374 10.949
41 Comoros 269 10.949
42 Comoros Special Services 2698, 269800, 269900 10.949
43 Comoros Mobile VAS 26939, 26990, 26991 10.949
44 Kazakhstan - Special Services 7760, 7762, 7763, 7764, 7780, 7788, 7790 10.949
45 Vanuatu Other 678 10.949
46 Ukraine Proper 380 10.949
47 Ukraine Special Services 38090030, 3810000000 10.949