PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom Indonesia) and Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (Singtel), as shareholders of PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel), have appointed Sarwoto Atmosutarno as Commissioner, replacing Nanang Pamuji Mugasejati effective immediately as of 30 November 2023. Furthermore, appoint Nugroho as President Director, succeeding Hendri Mulya Syam, and appoint Indra Mardiatna as Director of Network, replacing Nugroho. This decision is effective immediately as of 8 December 2023.
Hence, below is the new Board of Commissioners of Telkomsel:
- President Commissioner : Wishnutama Kusubandio
- Commissioner : Heri Supriadi
- Commissioner : Yose Rizal
- Commissioner : Sarwoto Atmosutarno
- Commissioner : Yuen Kuan Moon
- Commissioner : Anna Yip
Meanwhile, the current composition of Telkomsel's Board of Directors is as follows:
- President Director : Nugroho
- Director of Finance & Risk Management: Mohamad Ramzy
- Director of Sales : Adiwinahyu Basuki Sigit
- Director of Network : Indra Mardiatna
- Director of Planning & Transformation : Wong Soon Nam
- Director of Information Technology : Bharat Alva
- Director of Marketing : Derrick Heng
- Director of Human Capital Management: R. Muharam Perbawamukti
The appointment of the new composition of Telkomsel's Board of Commissioners and Directors aligns with Telkomsel's strategy as a leading digital telecommunications company, aiming to further accelerate the development of Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) services. This initiative is intended to strengthen Indonesia's inclusive digital ecosystem, promote, and harness the latest telecommunications technology, and enhance the company's business performance.
Telkomsel is also committed to strengthening the company's vision as an enabler in providing world-class, reliable mobile digital lifestyle services and solutions. Additionally, the company ensures the sustainability of its mission to consistently deliver digital mobile services and solutions that exceed users' expectations, create added value for shareholders, and support the nation's economic growth.