- Telkomsel has been officially announced as the winner of 2.1 GHz bandwidth frequency for mobile network in 2022 hosted by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Additional spectrum will be utilized to increase capacity and quality of mobile cellular network to enable leading digital lifestyle while accelerating the digital transformation in the industry through equitable access of reliable broadband network that is fast, equal, and on par across the country.
- Today, Telkomsel has deployed over 260.000 of BTS consist of 2.3GHz frequency at 50MHz bandwidth across several zones, 2.1GHz frequency at 20MHz, 1.8GHz frequency at 22.5MHz, and 800/900 MHz frequency with bandwidth at 15 MHz.
Jakarta, 4 November 2022 – As announced on a Ministerial decree released by Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of Indonesia (Kemkominfo), Telkomsel has been selected as winner of 2.1GHz Bandwidth User for Mobile Cellular Operation in 2022 as stated in Ministerial decree released by Minister of Communications and Information Technology of Indonesia number 479 issued in 2022 regarding User Selection for 2.1GHz Bandwidth Frequency for Mobile Cellular Operation in 2022 as announced on a press release by Kemkominfo No. 498/HM/KOMINFO/11/2022 on 4 November 2022. As a leading digital telecommunication company in Indonesia, Telkomsel is committed to optimize the additional spectrum consumption consistently as required by the government to enhance digital lifestyle experience among society, as well as accelerate the digital transformation in industrial segment by strengthening and developing leading 4G/LTE broadband networks and advanced 5G technology using maximum capacity and reliable broadband network quality equally and on par across Indonesia.
Telkomsel CEO Hendri Mulya Syam says, ”We truly appreciate and grateful for the trust given by the government to enable digital lifestyle connectivity across the country through this 2.1 GHz bandwidth selection which was held by Kemkominfo Indonesia. Telkomsel has factored in aspects to implement this corporate investment decision by creating investment development strategy and company roadmap as a digital connectivity enabler that continue to open wider opportunity for nation’s progress by strengthening digital trifecta of Telkomsel business which includes superiority in bringing digital connectivity, digital service, and digital platform.”
Through this additional 2.1 GHz frequency, Telkomsel manifests its commitment to improve society needs in enjoying advanced broadband networks conveniently, equally, and qualified, especially to strengthen the digital lifestyle ecosystem that is inclusive and sustainable in Indonesia. To make this happen, Telkomsel will optimize this additional spectrum to increase capacity and quality of mobile cellular network, driving acceleration of advanced 4G/LTE infrastructure deployment with wide coverage to 3T areas, and expanding 5G network technology gradually and measurably according to customer needs. Moreover, this investment will also strengthen Telkomsel capability as the foundation in bringing leading innovations of connectivity technology sustainably.
Through this decree which results in Telkomsel as the winner of the 2.1GHz bandwidth selection between 1975-1980 MHz, the composition of licensed frequency allocation managed by Telkomsel includes: 2.3GHz bandwidth 50MHz (30 MHz for national consumption and 20MHz for territorial allocation), 2.1GHz bandwidth 20MHz, 1.8GHz bandwidth 22.5MHz, and 800/900MHz bandwidth 15MHz where 2.1GHz, 1.8GHz, and 800/900 MHz for national consumption.
“Additional spectrum of this frequency will strengthen the foundation for product, service, and digital business innovations that Telkomsel continues to build. The given trust has motivated us to continue to accelerate infrastructure development of leading cellular technology such as 4G/LTE and 5G in the country to open more opportunities for everyone to reach their best potential in everything they do,” Hendri concluded.