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Telkomsel Jaga Bumi

Telkomsel Jaga Bumi

jaga bumi


Telkomsel Jaga Bumi is focused on managing energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and handling waste. The main goal is to lessen our environmental impact while also supporting government and community efforts to tackle environmental issues.


Currently, some initiatives under Telkomsel Jaga Bumi include a Waste Management Program that works with PlusTik to recycle plastic from starter pack packaging and SIM card shells into reusable products. There's also a Carbon Offset program in partnership with, where customers can use their Telkomsel Poin to plant trees to help offset their carbon footprint, and employees can contribute to tree planting as part of their commuting efforts.


Telkomsel's Commitment to Earth Sustainabilty


Advancing Circular Practices

We are working with PlusTik to address waste management by recycling plastic waste from SIM card packaging into reusable products like smartphone holders and pavement blocks. This initiative helps reduce plastic waste from used SIM cards collected from our outlet partners and other providers. They periodically collect and track the amount of plastic waste, which PlusTik processes into new items.


The recycled smartphone holders are sent back to reseller outlets for display, while the pavement blocks are used in renovations and new construction. So far, they have recycled 365 kg of SIM card waste into 75,000 pavement blocks, 45,000 phone holders, and 10,000 trash bins. We aim to promote a circular economy by encouraging resource reuse and reducing waste.


Join Us in Protecting the Earth by Redeeming Telkomsel Poin

Carbon footprint refers to the carbon dioxide and other pollutants created from daily activities, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Extreme climate conditions and carbon footprints affect the quality of air and life. One way to offset our carbon footprint is by planting new trees or purchasing carbon credits. In 2023, collaborating with, we successfully planted 15,060 trees and absorbed 441.2 tons of CO2e. Start by calculating your carbon footprint on our platform and exchange Telkomsel Poin for mangrove trees.
Here's how:

  • Click the Telkomsel Jaga Bumi banner in the MyTelkomsel App to calculate your daily carbon footprint.
  • Redeem your Telkomsel Poin:
    • Redeem 50 Poin (equivalent to 0.1 tree/2.93 kgCO2e)
    • Redeem 500 Poin (equivalent to 1 tree/29.3 kgCO2e)
  • You can also redeem your Telkomsel Poin via SMS with the following format:
    • Text Jagabumi5 and send it to 777 to redeem 50 Telkomsel Poin (equivalent to 0.1 tree/2.93 kgCO2e).
    • Text Jagabumi50 and send it to 777 to redeem 500 Telkomsel Poin (equivalent to 1 tree/29.3 kgCO2e).
  • Once the redemption is successful, you’ll receive an SMS notification with a link to view your tree planting report.
  • A growth report of the trees you donated will be sent to your email periodically.