Special Offer for kartuHalo Transaction on Bukalapak | Telkomsel

Special Offer for kartuHalo Transaction on Bukalapak


Get Many Benefits from kartuHalo on Bukalapak!

Buy Halo Device Plan and pay your kartuHalo bills on Bukalapak to enjoy up to Rp10,5 million cashback. You can also get up to Rp1 million Instant Benefit for new kartuHalo users.

Program Information

  • Buy Halo Device Plan purchase starting from 18GB/month and enjoy up to Rp10,5 million cashback to buy device, tablet, accessories, and other electronic products on Bukalapak.
  • kartuHalo Registration Instant Benefit starts from August 1st to November 30th, 2020.

How to Get the Cashback

Buy kartuHalo Starter Pack

  • Choose the Halo Device Plan you prefer.
  • Complete your payment.


Your Halo Device Plan starter pack will be delivered to your address.

Enjoy the Cashback

  • After you received your package, please confirm it through Bukalapak app. The cashback voucher will be sent to you in 7 days since your confirmation.
  • Enjoy your cashback voucher to shop smartphones, tablets, and other electronic goods at Bukalapak.

How to Get the Cashback

Buy kartuHalo Starter Pack

  1. Choose the Halo Device Plan you prefer.
  2. Complete your payment.


  1. Your Halo Device Plan starter pack will be delivered to your address.

Enjoy the Cashback

  1. After you received your package, please confirm it through Bukalapak app. The cashback voucher will be sent to you in 7 days since your confirmation.
  2. Enjoy your cashback voucher to shop smartphones, tablets, and other electronic goods at Bukalapak.

Get the Instant Benefits Too!

  • Enjoy up to Rp1,000,000 discount by registering for kartuHalo package at Bukalapak.
  • kartuHalo Registration Instant Benefit is valid for all new kartuHalo customers and prepaid customers who migrate to kartuHalo.
  • kartuHalo Registration Instant Benefit is valid for all available types of kartuHalo package.
  • You can choose from the following benefit options:
    1. Mapemall
      Valid for Product Benefit Additional Information
      Mapemall Member Shop 15% discount (maximum of Rp100,000) on Mapemall.com valid for products on bit.ly/mapmytsel

    2. Zalora
      Valid for Product Benefit Additional Information
      All Zalora Customers Shop Rp125,000 discount with a minimum transaction of Rp500,000 for all Zalora customers Minimum Transaction of Rp500,000

    3. Agoda
      Valid for Product Benefit Additional Information
      All Agoda Customers Travel 8% discount (maximum of Rp1,000,000) for hotel reservation on Agoda.com only valid via agoda.com/tsel

    4. Vidio
      Valid for Product Benefit Additional Information
      All Customers Entertainment Free Vidio Premier subscription for 7 days -

  • FAQ

  • Terms & Conditions

What is Selular Shop? Why am I directed to Selular Shop’s website, not Telkomsel or kartuHalo?

Selular Shop is Telkomsel’s official partner for kartuHalo sales on Bukalapak. All Telkomsel products in Selular Shop are officially from Telkomsel.

How do I get the cashback voucher from Bukalapak?

You can get the cashback voucher by purchasing Halo Device Plan available on Bukalapak.

Can I use the cashback voucher for any transaction?

You can only use it to buy device, tablet, accessories, or other electronic products on Bukalapak.

When will I receive the cashback voucher?

You will receive it in 7 days since you confirmed your package reception. Please check “Voucherku” (My Voucher) page to find your cashback voucher.

Can the cashback voucher be expired?

Yes, the cashback voucher is valid for 30 days since you received it. Please use it within the 30 days.

What is Instant Benefit program?

It is a kartuHalo promo program where you can get free benefit or voucher if you register for kartuHalo via Bukalapak.

Who can join Instant Benefit program?

All new kartuHalo customers and prepaid customers who migrate to kartuHalo can join this program.

Where do I register for kartuHalo?

To enjoy the benefit, please register for your kartuHalo on Bukalapak.

How do I get the Instant Benefit voucher?

You will receive a notification SMS asking you to redeem 1 Telkomsel POIN for 1 voucher you prefer among 4 options after you have completed your kartuHalo bill payment every month. After you chose the voucher, you will get the voucher code via SMS.

What happens if I do not redeem my Telkomsel POIN to get the voucher?

Telkomsel POIN will be valid for 30 days. It is best to redeem your Telkomsel POIN during this period. Once the period is over, the Telkomsel POIN will be expired and can no longer be used.

What vouchers are available in Instant Benefit program?

You can choose discount voucher from Zalora, Mapemall, Agoda, or Vidio Premier subscription.

  1. All package price includes the cashback that can be used to buy device, tablet, accessories, or other electronic products at Bukalapak.
  2. All successful purchases of Telkomsel kartuHalo package cannot be refunded or exchanged.
  3. The cashback voucher will be sent in 7 days since you confirmed your package reception. Please check “Voucherku” (My Voucher) page to find your cashback voucher.
  4. Telkomsel kartuHalo product and device you purchase will be sent to your address by Bukalapak with standard delivery from Bukalapak.
  5. You will receive kartuHalo SIM Card to be activated by Telkomsel activation team and later get activatation monthly bonus from kartuHalo package.
  6. KartuHalo activation mechanism:
    1. kartuHalo product will be sent by Telkomsel partner, Selular Shop. If there are any issues regarding delivery, please call Telkomsel Merchant Store Customer Service at 082112253636.
    2. You should read the activation procedure inside the product and call 0811-983-1000 (kartuHalo Telkomsel Activation Team) from another active number to activate the new kartuHalo number.
    3. Telkomsel kartuHalo activation process can only be done on working days (Monday – Friday) at 8 AM – 5 PM (Jakarta Time).
    4. All documents (ID Card number and Family Card number) given by customer will be validated and if the customer is not on a debt status in Telkomsel system, kartuHalo activation team will activate the number and package chosen.
    5. You will automatically have a usage limit to control your kartuHalo usage of Rp1. To request a change or upgrade your usage limit, please call Telkomsel Call Center 188 (free).
    6. International Roaming (voice call and SMS) will be activated after 3 months of kartuHalo usage with a limit of Rp2,500,000.
  7. If the application is rejected, the transaction will be cancelled and the fund will be returned to customers without any fee.
  8. kartuHalo package terms & conditions:
    1. Entertainment quota is only valid to access MAXstream, GamesMAX, and MusicMAX (premium subscription not included). For application details, please check here.
    2. Telkomsel POIN will be given every month for 6 months. For example, Halo Device Plan Medium package with 800 POIN; so, for the 1st to 5th month you will get 130 POIN/month and 150 POIN on the 6th
    3. After the contract period ended, the package will be changed to Halo●Kick! regular. For more info, please visit this page.
    4. You cannot change package within the contract period but are allowed to buy additional quota.
    5. If you terminate the package, your kartuHalo number will be deactivated. If you want to reactivate, all bills should be paid (if there are any overdue bills) and the remaining package cannot be returned. Your package will automatically switch to Halo●Kick! regular.
    6. kartuHalo package will be valid according to billing period. Remaining internet, voice and SMS quotas will not be accumulated to the next period. You will be charged with normal tariff (non-package) if you run out of internet, voice, and SMS quota. Please check here for the tariff.
  9. For further information about Telkomsel kartuHalo activation process on Bukalapak, please call Merchant Store/Telkomsel Official Store Customer Service at 082112253636.
  10. Further information about Telkomksel kartuHalo package, please call Telkomsel kartuHalo Customer Service at 188 (or 08071811811 from outside Telkomsel).
  11. By following this program, customer will be deemed understand and agree with all of the terms and conditions stated. Bukalapak have the rights to cancel the transaction if it is not aligned with the terms and conditions stated.
  12. Bukalapak.com has the rights to change the terms and conditions without any prior notice.
  1. This program is valid for new kartuHalo subscribers or customers who migrate from prepaid to kartuHalo via Telkomsel registration channels such as GraPARI, Telesales, web-based Telkomsel, and Telkomsel's partners (offline distributor partners and online e-commerce partners).
  2. This program is also valid for new kartuHalo subscribers or customers who migrate from prepaid to kartuHalo bundling device via Telkomsel registration channels such as GraPARI, Telesales, web-based Telkomsel, and Telkomsel's partners (offline distributor partners and online e-commerce partners).
  3. Customers are required to prepare their personal information and follow the terms and conditions during kartuHalo registration via each channel you prefer.
  4. Voucher can be redeemed up to 3 times during program period with scheme one-time redemption per month every billing cycle.
  5. Customers will redeem for 1 Telkomsel POIN to fulfil the voucher redemption terms and conditions each month for 3 times.
  6. Customers can only choose one voucher for one transaction at the chosen e-commerce. Example: customers choose Zalora voucher, they cannot choose Agoda voucher and will use the voucher on Zalora apps and official website.
  7. The voucher code will be sent via SMS by Telkomsel once customers had chosen voucher.
  8. Please make sure you understand the terms and conditions for each voucher.
  9. The voucher is valid until November 30th, 2020
  10. The voucher cannot be returned or multiplied.
  11. By participating in this promo, users are deemed to understand and agree with all of the terms and conditions.
  1. Offers 15% discount (maximum of Rp100,000) without minimum transaction.
  2. This promo is valid until November 30th, 2020.
  3. This promo is valid for products on bit.ly/mapmytsel.
  4. The voucher cannot be combined with other promotions.
  5. The discount voucher is only valid for one-time transaction per user per promo.
  6. These terms and conditions are parts of Mapemall and Telkomsel’s terms and conditions and are subject to change without any prior notice.
  1. Valid for all Zalora customers.
  2. Offers Rp125,000 discount with a minimum transaction of Rp500,000.
  3. This promo is valid until September 30th, 2020.
  4. Can be used for a maximum of 10 times during this program for each customer.
  5. The voucher cannot be combined with other promotions.
  6. This discount voucher is only valid for one-time transaction per user per promo.
  7. These terms and conditions are parts of Zalora and Telkomsel’s terms and conditions and are subject to change without any prior notice.
  1. The booking period shall be made before December 31st, 2020.
  2. The staying period can be anytime.
  3. The discount is valid for rooms with “Promo” label.
  4. Valid for all destinations.
  5. No redemption limit for each customer.
  6. Only valid via agoda.com/tsel.
  7. These terms and conditions are parts of Agoda and Telkomsel’s terms and conditions and are subject to change without any prior notice.
  1. The voucher redemption is limited to 1 (one) time per device for the same product and promotion.
  2. The voucher code is for 7-day Vidio Premier Gold free subscription voucher.
  3. The 7-day Vidio Premier Gold Voucher Code must be used in a maximum of 2 hours after redemption. Once the voucher’s validity period is over, the voucher code will no longer be valid and your Telkomsel POIN cannot be refunded.
  4. The voucher code redemption is valid until September 21st, 2020.
  5. The voucher cannot be withdrawn.
  6. The voucher cannot be combined with other promotions.
  7. Any issues regarding voucher, please contact customer service through email: info@vidio.com.