#simPATIxBenyamin | Telkomsel


benyamin sueb


Want to Have a Fun Dinner with Benyamin Biang Kerok Movie Casts? Subscribe to get exclusive Benyamin Biang Kerok content services and win a dinner invitation with one of the movie casts! Winner will be announced on July 3rd, 2018.

About Benyamin Biang Kerok

Despite the same title, the newest version of Benyamin Biang Kerok is actually not a sequel to the 1972 version movie. The story still goes around Pengki (Reza Rahadian) and all of his problems, yet it is presented in a more modern way. Directed by Hanung Bramantyo, this two-parters movie will get you to know more about Benyamin Sueb, an iconic artist with strong Betawi culture influence.

Meet the Casts of Benyamin Biang Kerok in Your City!

Mark the dates and locations
No. City Date Meet & Greet Movie Schedule Venue Attending Casts
1 Karawang Saturday, March 3rd, 2018 13.00 15.00 Ramayana Plaza XXI Reza Rahadian, Delia, other casts
2 Tangerang Tuesday, March 6th, 2018 13.00 15.00 CGV Teras Kota Reza Rahadian, Delia, other casts
3 Bandung Wednesday, March 7th, 2018 15.00 17.00 CGV PVJ Reza Rahadian dan Delia
4 Lampung Thursday, March 8th, 2018 15.00 17.00 XXI Boemi Kedaton Reza Rahadian dan Delia
5 Manado Friday, March 9th,2018 15.00 17.00 XXI Manado Town Square Reza Rahadian dan Delia
6 Lombok Sunday, March 11th, 2018 15.00 17.00 CGV Transmart Reza Rahadian dan Delia
  • FAQ

What is Benyamin Biang Kerok Content Service Program?

It is an exclusive program for Telkomsel users, where you can get SMS contents about Benyamin Biang Kerok movie.

How to get the access to this service?

You can get this service by dialing *500*86#.

What promo or fun activity can I join from this service?

The lucky users who subscribe to this content services will be invited to a dinner with one of the movie casts. We also prepare Rp500.000 Telkomsel top-up balance as rewards for 10 winners, selected by the judges

What are the terms and conditions to win this promo?

  1. Already registered in SMS Service of Benyamin Biang Kerok.
  2. You have to actively download Benyamin Biang Kerok contents and still active until the end of the program.
  3. Upload your photo that look alike a Benyamin on your Instagram account by mentioning @melonindonesia, @telkomsel, and use #MIRIPBENYAMIN hashtag
  4. The winner is a customer who has been chosen directly by reza rahadian.

When will this program start?

This program will be valid from February 25th, 2018 to June 25th, 2018. 

What prizes will the winners get?

Pemenang akan mendapatkan hadiah berupa merchandise untuk 20 orang. Silakan cek tabel berikut untuk hadiah utama:  

Prize Total Winners Info
Dinner 5

Dinner with Benyamin Biang Kerok movie cast(s)

Top-up Balance 10

Rp500.000 top-up balance from Telkomsel

How much will I be charged for using Benyamin Biang Kerok content services?

Keyword List Tariff MT Remarks
REG BIANG Rp0,- New user registration
- Rp2200,- Push content every 2 days
WPBIANG Rp3300 Wallpaper
UNREG BIANG Rp0,- Quit the program

How can I get more information about this program?

Please call our Costumer Service on 021-27510229. You can also access the information through WartaHALO and website www.telkomsel.com.