Can I upgrade the usage limit of kartuHalo? | Telkomsel

Can I upgrade the usage limit of kartuHalo?

Yes. If your purchase is limited, please upgrade your usage limit. Changing usage limit can be done once a month. Terms and conditions regarding upgrade usage limit are as follows:

Terms and Conditions to Upgrade Domestic Usage Limit

  • Your kartuHalo subscription should be at least 3 months and no overdue bills.
  • You must meet our regular customer policy, only if you subscribe HaloHybrid, HaloFit 80K, and HaloFit 125K. For further information please contact 188.

Terms and Conditions Regarding Domestic Usage Limit Amount

If your subscription period is less than 12 months

1. If payment made without a credit card:

  • Minimum usage limit Rp300,000.
  • Maximum usage limit Rp1,000,000.

2. If payment made using auto debit with a credit card:

  • Minimum usage limit Rp500,000.
  • Maximum usage limit Rp2,500,000.

If your subscription period is 12 months or more

Below condition is applied to any payment method

  • Minimum usage limit depends on your payment method, as stated above.
  • Maximum usage limit Rp5,000,000.