Terms and Conditions for Purchasing Orbit modems and internet packages | Telkomsel

Terms and Conditions for Purchasing Orbit modems and internet packages

The mechanism for accessing the Telkomsel Awards via purchasing a modem and orbit internet package is as follows:

a. You must purchase a modem and 100GB internet package at the Telkomsel booth in PRJ.
b. The booth staff will provide a purchase code and redeem link directly.
c. E-access and exchange information will be sent via email.
d. Access exchanges after July 12 2024 will be declared void.
e. The electronic access obtained must be exchanged for an access bracelet at the venue on 14 – 17 July 2024.
f. Limited quota.
g. The location of the festival/tribune will be determined based on availability at the time of the event.
h. Terms and conditions apply.
i. Telkomsel's decision cannot be contested.
j. Telkomsel Awards Access Package is only valid for the Jabodetabek area"