What is Telkomsel Award 2024? | Telkomsel

What is Telkomsel Award 2024?

Telkomsel Awards is an award annual event for creative industry players in the country who have contributed in the fields of music, digital content and esports.

This year, Telkomsel Awards 2024 will be held on July 17, 2024 at Indonesia Arena, GBK at 19.30 - 21.30 WIB with lineups including NIKI, Isyana Sarasvai, JKT48, Maliq & d'essentials, RAN, TULUS, Yura Yunita, Albert Fakdawer, Assia Keva, Dicky Difie, El Rumi, Praz Teguh, Sal Priadi, Teddy Adhitya also Vincent, Desta & Rina Nose as host.