Unlimited Voice Call to Halo•Family Members

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Unlimited Voice Call to Halo•Family Members

Communicate freely to your Halo•Family members with unlimited voice call service to members without any additional charge.
  • Terms & Conditions

  1. Valid for regular active kartuHalo customers.
  2. Consists of 1 parent number and minimum 1 child number (max. 9 child number).
  3. Parent number and child number are registered in 1 kartuHalo main bill (Single Billing Payment).
  4. Each member (parent and child number) must have an active Halo•Kick! package.
  5. Unlimited voice call or free talk benefit to fellow members is valid for registered parent and child number.
  6. To activate free talk package, the customer must access to UMB *111*88#.
  7. Halo•Family Free Talk Package is valid for 1 month (following the parent number billing period) and automatically renewed.
  8. Halo•Family Free Talk Package applies unlimited.
  9. Halo•Family Free Talk Package can only be used for domestic calls. When Free Talk Package runs out, it will use another package quota (if any). Non-package fare will be used when the is no package at all.
  10. If the child number exits from Single Billing Payment, the child number cannot enjoy the benefits from Halo•Family, including Free Talk services will be automatically deactivated from the child number.
  11. If the parent number exits from Single Billing Payment, then the parent number and all child numbers cannot enjoy the benefits from Halo•Family, including the services will be automatically deactivated for all numbers registered in Single Billing Payment.
  12. If the parent number deactivates Free Talk services through UMB *111# or Call Center 188, the Free Talk services for all registered child number from Halo•Family will be deactivated.
  13. If the child number deactivates Free Talk services through UMB *111# or Call Center 188, the Free Talk services will be active again within 1x24 hours as along as the child number is still registered in Single Billing Payment.