ilmupedia Berani Jawab: 4th Season

Ilmupedia Berani Jawab


Ilmupedia Berani Jawab Season 4

Ilmupedia Berani Jawab has ended. Congratulations to the winners! Check if you're among the lucky winners of the Ilmupedia Berani Jawab Season 4.

IBJ Season 4 winners list

Winner School Ranking
Nabilla Eka Putri Sunarto SMA Negeri 1 Magelang 1st winner
Alvin Navis Fany
Naysilla Puspitaningtyas
Nisrina Nadhifa Putri
Vincent Tio Dhamaraputra
I Made Wikanta Dananjaya Githa SMAN 1 SEMARAPURA 2 nd winner
Putu Marissa Pramesti Ananda
I Gusti Ngurah Agung Triksamawan
Fadila Fasa
I Nyoman Teja Sentosa
Manuel Christian Jesse Pasaribu SMAN 1 Mimika 3rd winner
Daniel Mario Hessel Gultom
Gabe Desanto Sitorus
Aselto Alik Lembang
Marley Yogi Kadang
Sahrul Hamid Butar Butar
Habib Bahari
Ahmad Aldiansyah
Rizky Darmawan Sitorus
Chyntia Debora Manalu SMAN 1 Pekanbaru
Gracella Manalu
Shalsabilla Novelita Putri
Asteria Kesia Matondang
Naura Putri Mazri
Alya Nabila Kurnifiah SMAN 5 KOTA BENGKULU
Regisha Nurverina
Faris Leonardo Imanuel Zebua
Nabila Tiffany
Hilya Shafwa Najla Abadi
Galang Cakra Buana SMAN 1 PALIMANAN
Aditya Marzuki Rahman
Mirza Fadhil Naufal
Bobby Fauzi Akbar
Agung Hanggara Pramudya
Imelda Gracia
Lyvia Venezuela
Brandon Angelo Halim
Dave Jonathan
Nabila Ramadani SMAN 35 JAKARTA
Muhammad Faisal Abdul Rahman
Nur Leiyli
Zazkia Aulianisa Putri
Nayra Audrey Annisa
Naufal Dzaki Ibnu Wijaya SMA Negri 1 Sukoharjo
Rafid Ghani Mahadri
Nuriyah Yoga Utami
Amanda Bunga Ramadhani
Mahardika Nur Hakim Putrawan
Richwellson Phandy SMA Zion Makassar
Ivena Lyra Thonardy
Rachel Harriyanto
Kevin Endricko Marchiano Wong
Rebecca Patricia Irfandy
Nabiella Febriyanti SMA NEGERI 5 BANJARMASIN
Arvian Azzahra Juneva A.
Muhammad Fadhil Azkiya
Selbi Amanda
Raga Budi Pratama

About Ilmupedia Berani Jawab season 4

Ilmupedia Berani Jawab is a series of National Quiz Competitions for high school students or the equivalent in Indonesia, and it enters its 4th season in the year of 2023. This competition is free (no charge) and is conducted in groups, where 1 team consists of 5 members from the same school. At the initial stage, each school is free to register as many team representatives as possible. This is because Telkomsel wants to continue to support talented, young Indonesians, one of which is in the field of education, but still in a fun way.


This program consists of 4 series of competitions, starting from Stage 1 Elimination, Stage 2 Elimination, Semi Final, and Grand Final. Stage 1 Elimination to get to Top 40 and Stage 2 Elimination to get to Top 12 will be held on Ilmupedia website. The 12 best teams will advance to the Semi Final and Grand Final to compete for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in the National Competition of Ilmupedia Berani Jawab season 4 that will be held offline. Special for this year, IBJ season 4 will be held online and offline (hybrid).



You will not only get the experience of taking exciting quizzes, but you will also get prizes with a total of hundreds of millions of Rupiah, ranging from savings balance/scholarships, certificates, and various other prizes! Interested in joining? Register now and see you soon!


All about Ilmupedia Berani Jawab Season 4

Prize Details
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Prize Details
  1. The 1st winner: Certificate and Rp25,000,000 Education Savings.
  2. The 2nd winner: Certificate and Rp15,000,000 Education Savings.
  3. The 3rd winner: Certificate and Rp10,000,000 Education Savings.
  4. Top 12: Certificate and Rp3,000,000 Education Savings.
  5. Top 40: Certificate and Rp500,000 Education Savings.


  • E-certificates are given to each team member, including the team leader with full name and school origin. Make sure to fill in the registration data correctly.
  • Prize value may change from time to time according to availability. The change will be made without prior notification.
  • The savings balance/scholarship prize is given to the team representative and cannot be transferred to other people. Participants can send bank account details as a representative for the disbursement of the prize money.
  • Other participants will get online participation certificates.
Registration Process
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Registration Process


  1. Registration can be done from September 12 – October 13, 2023 for FREE.
  2. Participants are high school students or the equivalent in Indonesia. One team consists of 5 participants (1 leader and 4 members).
  3. The team leader should access the Ilmupedia website, log in using the Telkomsel number, and click the “Take the Quiz” button.
  4. Select the city of the school, and fill in the name of the school, and the name of the team.
  5. Fill in the name of the member and the member's Telkomsel mobile number (Telkomsel Halo, Telkomsel PraBayar, or by.U).
  6. Choose a team logo or upload your own team logo.
  7. Click “Done”.
  8. Team members will receive SMS invitations to join the team according to the registered mobile number.
  9. Click the invitation link, then click “Join”.
  10. The maximum time limit for confirmation of joining the team is 24 hours.
  11. The team leader can change team members if a member declines the invitation by clicking the “Decline” button or the member does not provide confirmation within a maximum of 3 hours.

How to take the IBJ Quiz

  1. Phase 1 eliminations take place on 24, 25, and 26 October 2023. Phase 2 eliminations take place on 30, 31 October, and 1 November 2023.
  2. The highest score will be used for participants who took the quiz earlier from October 16 – 19 and participated again on October 24.
  3. Stage 1 and 2 eliminations are carried out online on the Ilmupedia website.
  4. Stage 1 and 2 elimination each lasts for 3 consecutive days. You need to be present from 06:00 to 21:00 GMT+7 on those dates.
  5. Each day during eliminations, the team will answer 10 questions. Each question should be answered within 1 minute (60 seconds) on average.
  6. Quiz questions will revolve around general knowledge and subject matters of high school or equivalent.
  7. To start the quiz, the leader and team members should log in first and go to the Ilmupedia Berani Jawab dashboard page.
  8. When the elimination time has started, the leader and team members click the “Start” button on the dashboard page to enter the quiz waiting room.
  9. The quiz can start when all participants in the team have entered the quiz waiting room.
  10. Each participant in the team must answer the question given. The score will be accumulated from the score obtained by each team member.
  11. The quiz consists of general knowledge questions (weigh 20%) and questions for high school subjects or the equivalent in grades 10, 11, and 12 (weigh 80%). Problems for high school subjects or the equivalent are related to Mathematics, Indonesian, English, Science, and Social Sciences.
Winner Provisions
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Winner Provisions

The team is divided into 4 groups (A, B, C, D), each is divided into 3 sub-groups with the details of group division as follows:

Group A

  • Sub-Group A-1: Provinces of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatra
  • Sub-Group A-2: Riau Islands Province, Riau, and West Sumatra
  • Sub-Group A-3: Bengkulu Province, Jambi, Bangka Belitung Islands, Lampung, and South Sumatra

Group B

  • Sub-Group B-1: Banten Province
  • Sub-Group B-2: DKI Jakarta
  • Sub-Group B-3: West Java Province

Group C

  • Sub-Group C-1: D.I. Yogyakarta and Central Java Province
  • Sub-Group C-2: East Java Province
  • Sub-Group C-3: Provinces of Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara

Group D

  • Sub-Group D-1: Provinces of West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan
  • Sub-Group D-2: Provinces of Gorontalo, North Maluku, West Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and North Sulawesi
  • Sub-Group D-3: Maluku, Papua and West Papua Provinces

The determination of the Top 40 and Top 12 are as follows:

Top 40

  1. The Top 40 is a combination of 10 teams with the best total scores from each group (A, B, C, D) with the fastest time to answer questions.
  2. Each school can only be represented by one team with the best score. If two teams in one school are included in the top 10 teams in their group, then only the team with the highest score will advance to the next stage. If the teams have the same score, then the team with the fastest accumulated questions will move on to the next stage.
  3. The announcement of the Top 40 will be notified no later than October 28, 2023, on the Ilmupedia website and Telkomsel website (this page).
  4. The team that has been determined to be in the Top 40 by the committee is final and cannot be contested.

Top 12

  1. The Top 12 is a combination of the teams with the best total scores from each sub-group (A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1, etc.)
  2. If there is a sub-group that only has 1 team representative when it enters the Top 40 stage, then that team and its sub-group team slots will be merged with the sub-group that has the least team representation in the same group and will get additional tickets to enter the Top 12. For example, sub-group A-1 only has 1 team representative at stage 40, then that team and its sub-group team slots will be merged into sub-group A-2 because sub-group A-2 has fewer team representatives than subgroup A-1.
  3. 3. If there is a sub-group that does not have a representative when it enters the Top 40 stage, then the sub-group team slot (ticket to enter Top 12) will be given to the sub-group that has the most team representatives or the highest total score of the teams in the same group. For example, sub-group A-3 does not have a team representative in the Top 40, then the sub-group team slot will be assigned to sub-group A-1 because sub-group A-1 has more team representatives than sub-group A -2.
  4. If there are teams that have the same score, then the fastest time to work on the questions becomes the next assessment indicator.
  5. The Top 12 will be invited to a direct (offline) competition in Jakarta, which will be informed via email to carry out the Semi-Final and Grand Final.
  6. The Top 40 will be announced by October 27, 2023 on the Ilmupedia website and Telkomsel website.
  7. The team that has been determined to be in the Top 12 by the committee is final and cannot be contested.

Semi-Final and Grand Final Competition

  1. The Semi-Final and Grand Final of Ilmupedia Berani Jawab Season 4 will be held offline with a series of events from November 8 - 10, 2023 at the Telkomsel Smart Office in South Jakarta (further updates will be provided if there are changes).
  2. The Top 12 contestants will compete in Semi-Final to represent their group respectively (A, B, C, D) and determine the Top 3.
  3. The Top 3 contestants will compete in the Grand Final to determine the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
  4. The questions consist of general knowledge questions (weigh 50%), high school subjects or the equivalent (30%), and academic potential (20%). Further mechanisms will be informed during the event.

Additional Information