Send your written and photographic works to Journalist Writing & Photography Competition 2018 (JWPC 2018) for all print and online media journalists in Indonesia to win a total prize of Rp230 million.
Send your written and photographic works to Journalist Writing & Photography Competition 2018 (JWPC 2018) for all print and online media journalists in Indonesia to win a total prize of Rp230 million.
How to Participate
Telkomsel Journalist Writing & Photography Competition 2018 (JWPC 2018) is a routine program organized by Telkomsel as a form of appreciation to fellow journalists who have contributed to helping publications on Telkomsel in print and online media. This program contests the best written and photographic works from journalists throughout Indonesia that have been published in print and online media in a certain period.
This program is open specifically for active journalists who are still registered in the editorial structure of print and online media throughout Indonesia.
JWPC 2018 provides a total prize of Rp230 million.
Works that can be registered in this competition are journalistic works that have been published in print and online media during the period set by Telkomsel, namely in the format of:
The acceptable journalistic works are required to be published in print or online media between October 10th, 2018 to January 5th, 2019.
All journalistic works can be registered no later than January 5th, 2019.