kartuHalo BCA


Enjoy kartuHalo BCA Benefits

Get various benefits and convenient kartuHalo billing payment method for BCA customers who use BCA Autopay.

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  • FAQ

  • Terms & Conditions

What is kartuHalo BCA program?

It is a collaboration program between kartuHalo and BCA where BCA customers who migrate from Telkomsel prepaid number to kartuHalo can get various benefits and convenience by using BCA Autopay.

How do I get kartuHalo BCA package?

You can get kartuHalo and BCA collaboration package through:

  • Call Center 188 (from Telkomsel number) or 08071811811 (from non-Telkomsel number).
  • Link http://tsel.me/halobca1 (for Telkomsel prepaid to kartuHalo migration).
  • The nearest GraPARI.

Who can subscribe to kartuHalo BCA package?

  • BCA customers who have active Telkomsel prepaid number.
  • BCA customers who have kartuHalo but have not used an auto-payment method using BCA Autopay.
  • Non-Telkomsel customers.

When is the validity period of kartuHalo BCA program?

This program is valid from May 15th to August 15th, 2018.

How do I get kartuHalo BCA package?

You can visit kartuHalo BCA migration microsite tsel.me/halobca1 or contact Call Center 0807-1811-811 or 188.

How do I get the 1.000 Telkomsel POIN and Status Priority Pelanggan benefits?

If you are one of the first 500 customers who subscribed to kartuHalo BCA, you will get 1.000 Telkomsel POIN and Status Priority when your auto-payment using BCA Autopay is successfully activated.

When is the validity period of 1.000 Telkomsel POIN benefit from kartuHalo BCA program?

The 1.000 Telkomsel POIN benefit is valid until December 31st, 2018. You can redeem the POIN in all Telkomsel merchants.

How do I get the Rp200.000 cashback from kartuHalo BCA program?

If you are successfully migrated to kartuHalo, or subscribed to kartuHalo for the first time, or if you agree to use BCA Autopay for your payment method, you will receive the cashback up to Rp200.000, depends on your billing amount on the first month. 

Can all BCA credit card holders participate in kartuHalo BCA program?

Yes, all type of BCA credit cards can be used to participate in kartuHalo BCA program.

Which kartuHalo tariff scheme valid for kartuHalo BCA program?

The tariff is based on your zone. For further reference, please check through this link: http://www.telkomsel.com/halo-reguler.

  1. The customer has to own BCA credit card.
  2. The customer received an offer from BCA via SMS.
  3. Customer owns active Telkomsel prepaid number (simPATI, KARTU As, and Loop) with a minimum usage of 6 months since activation.
  4. Customer will receive an SMS notification after successfully subscribed to kartuHalo.
  5. The BCA cashback, additional 10GB quota per month for 3 months, and additional 1.000 Telkomsel POIN are only applicable for BCA customers who subscribed to kartuHalo using BCA Autopay.
  6. Customer will receive additional 1.000 Telkomsel POIN at the end of the month after successfully subscribing to kartuHalo, and will receive an SMS notification during the Telkomsel POIN addition.
  7. BCA credit card will activate BCA Autopay feature for the customer who successfully migrated to kartuHalo and agrees to use BCA Autopay for kartuHalo payment method.
  8. The BCA cashback for kartuHalo customer who agreed to use BCA Autopay as kartuHalo payment method will be given on the first month after kartuHalo auto-payment is successfully debited to the customer’s BCA credit card. Below is the detailed term for BCA cashback:


Package Cashback Quota
Dx2 LIGHT Rp50,000 700 customers
Dx2 SAVVY Rp75,000 1.1150 customers
Dx2 BIG Rp100,000 475 customers
Dx2 ULTIMATE Rp200,000 175 customers
TOTAL   2.500 customers