
Menjadi Yang Terbaik

#MenjadiYangTerbaik With Telkomsel Best Internet

With networks spread all across the country, Telkomsel connects Indonesia through telecommunication services that open new opportunities and encourage positive socio-economic impacts to society.

#MenjadiYangTerbaik - Pilot

Let's get acquainted with Riko Kabak

A local citizen that continues to help others and to promote his homeland, Papua. Rico was born in Denai, Papua, in 1991. The experience when he met a missionary pilot made him want to be a pilot. He realized that only the aircraft capable of connecting people in Papua. That's why he wanted to do something more in the future for the people of Papua

Menjadi Yang Terbaik

Starting a Journey by flying a plane

Now, Rico had begun his journey. He work at a local airline and to operate Cessna Grand Caravan 208, he has been serving the people of Papua for 3 years. He helped people to send the daily needs from city to villages.

Papua is very challenging for Indonesian pilots. It’s like a journey between life and death. But it did not deter Rico to continue to fight, to promote and help homeland. He always thinks and expresses positive things.

Rico realized that working in airline highly dependent on the signal strength. Especially when he had to deliver basic goods to villages. Fortunately, it is never a constraint. Because the signal of Telkomsel has spread in all over the country, including Papua.

Menjadi Yang Terbaik

Riko gets easier to find out about weather or flight applications

Sends information to a fellow pilot about what things should be done or not, practice his fly skills, make video calls if there was something that happened to the plane that he operated during his stint, and Most importantly, thanks to the signal of Telkomsel, Rico was able to practice his ability to continue to help people in Papua and do more for the land of his birth.

With a network that spread to all country, Telkomsel connects Indonesia through telecommunications broadband that brings new opportunities and encourage a positive socio-economic impact to people of Indonesia.

Menjadi Yang Terbaik