Kuota Belajar is a combined quota between Ilmupedia and Conference.
Ilmupedia Quota includes applications such as Google Classroom, Rumah Belajar, Kelas Pintar, Quipper, Udemy, Duolingo, Sekolah.mu, Cambridge Assessment English, Kipin School 4.0, Pijar Sekolah, Pahamify, BelajarPedia, video meeting edukasi Birru as well as hundreds of e-learning portals for campuses and schools that are members of Ilmupedia.
Conference Quota includes Zoom, Google Meet, Cisco Webex, UMeetMe, Teams, and other applications that are members of the Telkomsel Conference.
Is Kuota Belajar Package quota divided?
No, Kuota Belajar Package quota is not divided and can be used on all Telkomsel networks, both 4G and 5G for 24 hours.
Who can buy Kuota Belajar Package?
All Telkomsel PraBayar (prepaid) customers.
All Telkomsel Halo (postpaid) customers, except corporate-paid.
When will this Kuota Belajar Package adjustment occur?
The package adjustment starts from October 18, 2024.
What are the quota and price variants offered in Kuota Belajar?
The Kuota Belajar Package has 8 variants with validity periods ranging from daily to monthly. The latest prices and quota variants valid as of October 18, 2024 are as follows:
Package Name
Price (Rp)
Quota (GB)
Validity Period (Days)
Ketengan Belajar
Ketengan Belajar
Ketengan Belajar
Ketengan Belajar
Ketengan Belajar
Ketengan Belajar
Monthly Kuota Belajar
Monthly Kuota Belajar
Can Kuota Belajar Package quota be accumulated with other packages?
No, this package cannot be accumulated with other Telkomsel packages.
Where do I buy this package?
You can buy Kuota Belajar Package on Ilmupedia website, MyTelkomsel App, UMB *363*844# and the nearest outlet.
How do I use Kuota Belajar?
For the convenience in accessing this package and to prevent customers from being charged basic internet tariff/PAYU (Pay as You Use), customers are required to:
Have an active main quota/internet package.
Not use a VPN.
Main quota is required as applications included in the Kuota Belajar Package also access third party applications/URLs that are not included in the Kuota Belajar list, including, but not limited to:
Applications accessing third-party platforms such as: Google Services (Google Docs, Google Cloud, Google Drive, Google Analytics), and other third-party platforms.
Applications which include video contents hosted on YouTube, Facebook services, etc.
Applications that have background data access (such as application updates, etc.) on the customer’s devices (phones, laptops, PCs, etc.).
Some online learning applications and video conference applications may allow activities that involve features from third-party services. Customers are advised to re-read the terms and conditions set by each application.
Other third-party services.
If you do tethering and access the list above, it will use Kuota Belajar.
Can I use this package to access the internet?
No, this package can only be used to access applications included in Telkomsel Ilmupedia and Conference.
You can only use Kuota Belajar based on its available quota and validity. After the quota runs out or the validity period ends, you cannot use the package anymore.
Which quota will be used first to access the package?
When you use applications that are part of Kuota Belajar, the data consumption prioritization is as follows:
Kuota Belajar
Ilmupedia Quota
4G/5G Quota (if you’re on 4G/5G network, using a USIM and 4G device)
All-Network Quota
Other regular quotas (if any)
Internet basic tariff (PAYU/Pay as You Use)
Customer who has 10GB Kuota Belajar and 5GB All-Network Quota uses applications that are part of Kuota Belajar, then Kuota Belajar will be used first. When Kuota Belajar runs out, your All-Network Quota will be used. If your All-Network Quota runs out, you will be charged basic internet tariff (PAYU) of Rp120/20Kb for prepaid.
Why does my regular internet quota keep getting consumed or why am I charged basic internet tariff when accessing applications that are included in Kuota Belajar?
This can be caused by several factors:
The Kuota Belajar package runs out.
You are using a VPN to access the application.
Applications that are included in the Kuota Belajar package access third-party applications/URLs that are not included in the Kuota Belajar, including:
Applications accessing third-party platforms such as: Google Services (Google Docs, Google Cloud, Google Drive, Google Analytics), and other third-party platforms.
Applications which include video contents hosted on YouTube, Facebook services, etc.
Applications that have background data access (such as application updates, etc.) on the customer’s devices (phones, laptops, PCs, etc.).
Some online learning applications and video conference applications may allow activities that involve features from third-party services. Customers are advised to re-read the terms and conditions set by each application.
Other third-party services.
If you use applications that are part of Kuota Belajar Package where the application performs activities described above, your regular internet quota will be consumed, or you will be charged with basic tariff of Rp120/20Kb if you’re a prepaid customer. Make sure you have a main quota and don’t use VPN to access the application to prevent getting charged with basic internet tariff.
You are accessing menus other than applications and websites that are included in the Kuota Belajar Package.
How many times can I activate Kuota Belajar Package?
You can activate this package 5 times per validity period. E.g.:
If you buy the package with 1-day validity, you can buy it 5x in 1 day.
If you buy the package with 7-day validity, you can buy it 5x in 7 days.
How do I ensure that the package activation has been successful?
You can use the package after receiving the activation notification via SMS. The remaining quota can also be checked by the following methods:
Through the “Cek kuota internet” menu in *888#
Through the status menu in MyTelkomsel App.
How do I get more information about the Kuota Belajar Package?
Kuota Belajar can be used to access applications including:
Kuncie application and website
Skul.id application and website
Google Classroom application and website
Rumah Belajar application
Zenius application and website
Kelas Pintar application and website
Quipper application and website
Udemy application and website
Duolingo application and website
Sekolah.mu application and website
Cakap application and website: all features, except Cakap Blog
Bahaso application and website
Kipin School 4.0 application and website
AyoBlajar application and website
Ganeca digital application and website (including Learn Ganeca website and application and Kampus Bersama)
Eduka System application and website
Aminin application and website
Birru application and website
Smartpi application and website
Jeruedu application and website
Edulogy application and website
Indisch application and website
Crayonpedia application and website
Pahamify application and website
Myscool application and website
Sistesi & Mistar application and website
BelajarPedia application and website
Qualitiva application and website
Bawana website
U-Next website
Other educational applications and hundreds of campus/university e-learning websites in Indonesia, please check here for details.
Kuota Belajar can also be used to access Zoom conference applications, Google Meet, Cisco Webex, UMeetMe, Microsoft Teams, CloudX, and other conference applications.
Packages can be purchased a maximum of 5 times per package according to the package's active period.
If customers tether and access the application or website, it will reduce the Kuota Belajar.
For access to the applications and websites above, features that use third-party platforms, such as Webex, Google Services, YouTube, Facebook Services, and others are not included.
If the customer accesses other menus besides the access above, it is possible to reduce the regular quota or basic tariff at a cost of Rp120/20Kb for prepaid. Make sure the customer has a regular quota if they do not want to be charged the basic rate.
The priority order of quota consumption is Kuota Belajar, Ilmupedia Quota, 4G Quota, All-Network Quota, other regular quota (if any), non-package basic rate.