Halo Google Play | Telkomsel

Halo Google Play

Halo Google Play


Easy shopping on Play Store using Halo billing!

Get additional data of 5GB for 30 days by purchasing digital content on Google Play with a minimum transaction of Rp30,000 using Telkomsel Halo billing until June 30, 2024.

How to start shopping

How to activate
How to activate
  1. Make sure you have a Google Account and have signed in on your device.
  2. Access Payment & Subscriptions page.
  3. Select “Add Telkomsel billing/Tambahkan penagihan Telkomsel”. Make sure your Halo number is on SIM 1.
  4. Click “Activate”.
  5. Your Google Account will be automatically connected with Halo billing.
How to shop
How to shop
  1. Via Play Store
    • Select the app/product you want to buy.
    • Click “Price Icon/Ikon Harga”.
    • Make sure the selected payment method is Telkomsel Halo.
    • Click "Buy".
  2. Through Applications linked to Google Account
    • Select the item you want to buy.
    • Make sure the selected payment method is Telkomsel Halo.
    • Click "Buy".

Additional Information