Get additional data of 5GB for 30 days by purchasing digital content on Google Play with a minimum transaction of Rp30,000 using Telkomsel Halo billing until June 30, 2024.
How to start shopping
How to activate
How to activate
Make sure you have a Google Account and have signed in on your device.
Select “Add Telkomsel billing/Tambahkan penagihan Telkomsel”. Make sure your Halo number is on SIM 1.
Click “Activate”.
Your Google Account will be automatically connected with Halo billing.
How to shop
How to shop
Via Play Store
Select the app/product you want to buy.
Click “Price Icon/Ikon Harga”.
Make sure the selected payment method is Telkomsel Halo.
Click "Buy".
Through Applications linked to Google Account
Select the item you want to buy.
Make sure the selected payment method is Telkomsel Halo.
Click "Buy".
Additional Information
What is Halo Google Play?
It’s a payment service where you can buy subscriptions, applications, in-app game items, films, books, and others on Google Play using Telkomsel Halo billing.
Who can shop on Google Play using Telkomsel Halo?
All Telkomsel Halo customers with available Domestic CLS (Credit Limit Service).
Why is the transaction value on Google Play different from what is billed on Telkomsel Halo's temporary bill?
The transaction value on Google Play is inclusive of tax. So, there is a difference because the transaction value on Telkomsel Halo's temporary bill does not include tax and service fees. The transaction value on the final invoice will remain after tax. Example:
You buy an app for Rp55,500 (tax included) on Google Play.
Temporary bill will add Rp50,000 (not including tax).
Final billing issued after the billing period ends will add Rp55,500 (tax included).
If I select a transaction value that does not include tax on Google Play, how much will I be charged?
If you choose a transaction value that does not include tax, then your Halo temporary bill will increase according to the transaction value listed. The transaction value on the final invoice will still be subject to an additional VAT. Example:
You buy an app for Rp50,000 (not including tax) on Google Play.
Temporary bill will add Rp50,000 (not including tax).
Final billing issued after the billing period ends will add Rp55,500 (tax included).
How do I activate Telkomsel Halo billing feature?
You can activate Telkomsel Halo billing feature on Google Play through “Payment & Subscriptions” menu. Add Telkomsel billing payment method and enter your Telkomsel Halo number.
Is there any way for me to make transactions on Google Play using Telkomsel Halo billing that reaches its limit?
If your CLS (Credit Limit Service) reaches its limit, you can upgrade the current limit via this link or call 188. After successfully upgrading your CLS, you can continue your transaction on Google Play using Telkomsel Halo billing.
How do I get additional 5GB for purchasing content on Google Play?
You can purchase any content on Google Play with a minimum transaction of Rp30,000 during this program period. Make sure you choose Telkomsel Halo billing as payment option.
Are there any limitations for the additional 5GB data?
Yes, you can only get the 5GB/30 days additional data once after purchasing digital content on Google Play using Telkomsel Halo billing.
Will I receive a notification for the additional 5GB data?
You will get an SMS from Telkomsel containing info about the additional data you've received after a successful transaction. If you don’t receive any SMS notification, please go to MyTelkomsel App or click this link, min. 24 hours after the transaction.
Terms and Conditions
Digital content purchases using Telkomsel Halo billing can only be done on smartphone with Android system through Google Play Store application.
The amount charged on Telkomsel Halo billing already includes tax and service fee.
Halo Google Play payment method is only valid for Telkomsel Halo customers with available Domestic CLS (Credit Limit Service).
For transactions with subscription scheme on Google Play will automatically be charged on the next billing every month.
If your CLS (Credit Limit Service) reaches its limit, you can upgrade the current limit via this link or call 188. After successfully upgrading your CLS, you can continue your transaction on Google Play using Telkomsel Halo billing.
Customer who purchases digital content on Google Play using Telkomsel Halo billing with a minimum transaction of Rp30,000 is eligible for an additional 5GB data quota with a 30-day validity period during the program period.
Each customer is only eligible to get the additional 5GB data quota for 30 days once, after purchasing digital content with a minimum transaction of Rp30,000 on Google Play using Telkomsel Halo billing.
Customer will get an SMS notification from Telkomsel containing info about the additional data you've received after a successful transaction, or customer can access MyTelkomsel App through this link, min. 24 hours after the transaction.