Additional Quota for New Customers

Additional Quota


Special quota for new prepaid customers

Switch to Telkomsel PraBayar (prepaid) now and enjoy additional internet quota of up to 5GB for new Telkomsel customers in selected sub-districts.

Additional Quota details

Additional Quota for new customers only applies to InternetMAX starter pack with the following details:

see more
No Package Name Total Quota Main Quota App Quota Additional Quota
1 InternetMAX 24GB 24GB 17GB 7GB 3GB
2 InternetMAX 35GB 35GB 25GB 10GB 5GB



• App Quota can be used to access YouTube, MAXstream, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, LINE, GamesMAX, MusicMAX, TikTok, Mola TV, VIU, Disney, Prime Video Mobile, Vidio, Lionsgate, Zoom, Netflix.

• Additional quota only applies in the following sub-districts: Gunung Alip, Tanggamus, Sumberejo, Tanggamus, Cimenyan, Bandung, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung, Glenmore, Banyuwangi, Angkinang, Hulu Sungai Selatan, Loksado, Hulu Sungai Selatan, Padang Batung, Hulu Sungai Selatan

Easy steps to get Additional Quota

New customer criteria
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New customer criteria
  • Must be Telkomsel PraBayar (prepaid) customers, except by.U.
  • New Telkomsel customers or other operator customers who switch to Telkomsel.
How to redeem the quota
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How to redeem the quota
  • Be a new Telkomsel customer by purchasing InternetMAX starter pack in the selected sub-disctricts mentioned above.
  • Claim the additional quota via MyTelkomsel App and UMB *363*717#.

Additional Information