Promo Nelpon UNLIMITED

  • FAQ

What is Promo Nelpon Sepuasnya?

It is a Telkomsel program that offers UNLIMITED bonus to call fellow Telkomsel numbers and 5 minutes to all operators after made a 60-seconds call (Rp750/15 sec).

When is the validity period of Promo Nelpon Sepuasnya?

This program is valid from February 13th, 2019 (depends on the SMS received by customers) until 60 days after customers are registered to this program.

Is Promo Nelpon Sepuasnya program valid nationally?

Yes, this program is valid nationally, but only for certain customers.

How do I get information about Promo Nelpon Sepuasnya?

You are eligible for this program if you get an SMS about this offer, or when you dial *888# you receive the following information:

  • SMS: Per 13 Feb, nikmati promo Rp3rb(Rp750/15dtk) nelpon UNLIMITED berkali-kali seharian ke Tsel&5mnt ke OprLain.Utk menghentikan promo tekan *888*30# (SMS dikirimkan H-3 sd H+3 dari jadwal inject offer)
  • *888#: Tarif nelp anda UNLIMITED berkali-kali seharian & 5mnt ke OprLain stlh Rp3rb(Rp750/15dtk) s.d 14/04/19. Untuk menghentikan promo *888*30# 1.Cek Pulsa&Kuota (Setting info pada UMB H-3 sd H+3 dari jadwal inject offer)

How do I get Nelpon UNLIMITED Berkali-kali Seharian bonus?

  • Make a voice call to fellow Telkomsel numbers or other operator numbers for 60 seconds (with Rp750/15 sec tariff scheme).
  • After you spent Rp3,000 (accumulated), you will get the bonus.

What is the detailed tariff scheme of Promo Nelpon Sepuasnya?

You will be charged Rp750/15 sec until you reach Rp3.000 (accumulated), and then you will receive the UNLIMITED bonus quota to call fellow Telkomsel and 5 minutes to other operator numbers.


Call Duration Tariff Accumulation
0-15 seconds Rp750 Rp750
16-30 seconds Rp750 Rp1,500
31-45 seconds Rp750 Rp2,250
46-60 seconds Rp750 Rp3,000
61 seconds – more Rp0  




  • First call: If you make a call for 25 seconds, on the first second you will be charged Rp1,500.
  • Second call: And then, if you make another call for 45 seconds, you will be charged Rp2,250.
  • Third call: On the next call, you can already enjoy the UNLIMITED bonus quota to fellow Telkomsel and 5 minutes to other operators.

If I’m already subscribed to a voice package, will I be charged with Rp3,000 (Rp750/15 second)?

No, that tariff is only for customers who haven’t subscribed to any voice package.

What if I disagree with the Rp750/15 seconds tariff?

  • Dial *888*30#
  • Contact our Call Center

How do I unsubscribe from Promo Nelpon Sepuasnya?

You can unsubscribe by dialing *888*30#. You will see the following message:

Anda akan berhenti menggunakan tarif nelpon promo UNLIMITED berkali-kali seharian dan kembali ke tarif non promo?

  1. Ya

If you choose “Ya”, you will get the following notification:

Anda sudah tidak berada pada tarif nelpon promo dan kembali ke tarif non paket. Cek paket lainnya di MyTelkomsel Info: 188

If I unsubscribed from Promo Nelpon Sepuasnya, can I subscribe again later on?

No, you cannot.

What is Nelpon Sepuasnya?

Nelpon Sepuasnya is a new Telkomsel promo program that offers UNLIMITED voice bonus quota to call fellow Telkomsel numbers for selected prepaid customers after they made a phone call with a certain duration and price scheme.

When is the validity period of Nelpon Sepuasnya promo program?

Nelpon Sepuasnya program is valid from April 1st, 2020.

Is Nelpon Sepuasnya promo program valid nationally?

Yes, this program is valid nationally, but only for certain Telkomsel prepaid customers.

How do I get Nelpon Sepuasnya promo package?

  1. You are eligible for this program if you get the following SMS:
    Promo Nelpon Sepuasnya B
    “SELAMAT! Sekarang telpon SEPUASNYA SEHARIAN ke sesama Tsel hanya Rp2,850/hari.Utk menghentikan promo tekan *888*30#. Info hub:188 (Rp300/Call)”
    Promo Nelpon Sepuasnya C
     “SELAMAT! Sekarang telpon SEPUASNYA SEHARIAN ke sesama Tsel hanya Rp2,000/hari.Utk menghentikan promo tekan *888*30#. Info hub:188 (Rp300/Call)”
  2. Telkomsel customers who did not get the SMS can activate other voice packages available on all Telkomsel channels.

What is the detailed scheme and value of Nelpon Sepuasnya promo program?

  1. The current scheme and value of Nelpon Sepuasnya program are as follow:

    • Nelpon Sepuasnya B: Rp950/second, up to 45 seconds. After reaching Rp2,850 you will get UNLIMITED voice bonus quota to Telkomsel number until 11:59 PM (Jakarta Time).
    • Nelpon Sepuasnya C: Rp500/second, up to 60 seconds. After reaching Rp2,000 you will get UNLIMITED voice bonus quota to Telkomsel number until 11:59 PM (Jakarta Time).

Does Nelpon Sepuasnya promo program apply flat tariff for all locations?

Yes, all customers can enjoy flat tariff for Nelpon Sepuasnya in all locations.

Is there any time or location limitation to get Nelpon Sepuasnya promo?

  • You can get this promo for 24 hours.
  • UNLIMITED call bonus can be consumed all day since the bonus has been activated until 11:59 PM (Jakarta Time).

How do I stop from Nelpon Sepuasnya promo program?

  • Dial *888*30#, and you will receive the following reply: “Anda akan keluar dari tarif nelpon MURAH dan kembali ke tarif awal?
  • If you have successfully stopped from joining the program, you will receive the following notification:
    “Anda sudah tidak berada pada tarif nelpon promo dan kembali ke tarif normal. Info: 188”

Can I enjoy Nelpon Sepuasnya promo program for more than once?

Yes, you can enjoy this promo every day for 1 month.

Can all Telkomsel customers get Nelpon Sepuasnya promo program?

No, only certain prepaid customers who can get this promo.

What is the current charging tariff scheme of Nelpon Sepuasnya promo program?

  1. For certain Telkomsel customers (Non-Voice user)
    Call Duration Tariff Accumulation
    0-15 seconds Rp500 Rp500
    16-30 seconds Rp500 Rp1,000
    31-45 seconds Rp500 Rp1,500
    46-60 seconds Rp500 Rp2,000
    61 seconds – longer Rp0 -

    • The first call:
      If you make a phone call for 25 seconds, at the 1st second you will be charged with Rp1,000.
    • The second call:
      And then you make another phone call for 30 seconds. You will be charged with Rp1,000.
    • The third call:
      During this call, you can already enjoy the UNLIMITED voice bonus quota to Telkomsel number until 11:59 PM (Jakarta Time).
  2. For certain Telkomsel customers (Voice user)
    Call Duration Tariff Accumulation
    0-15 seconds Rp950 Rp950
    16-30 seconds Rp950 Rp1,900
    31-45 seconds Rp950 Rp2,850
    46 seconds – longer Rp0 -

    • The first call:
      If you make a phone call for 45 seconds, at the 1st second you will be charged with Rp2,850.
    • The second call:
      During this call, you can already enjoy the UNLIMITED voice bonus quota to Telkomsel number until 11:59 PM (Jakarta Time).