POIN Racing Program has ended. Congratulations to all winners, and stay tuned for other exciting programs from Telkomsel!
POIN Racing Program has ended. Congratulations to all winners, and stay tuned for other exciting programs from Telkomsel!
List of Winner Telkomsel POIN Emas
Prize | City | Phone Number |
EMASPMS | P. Siantar, Simalungun, Samosir, Tobasa, T. Tinggi, Sergai, T. Balai, Batubara, Karo, Dairi, Humbahas, Pakpak Barat |
08116201XXX |
EMASDMI | Rokan Hilir, Rokan Hulu,Bengkalis, Dumai |
08116065XXX |
Muara Enim, Lahat, Prabumulih,P. Alam, Empat Lawang, Lb Linggau, Musirawas, Musrawas Utara, Lebong, Rejang Lebong, Kepahiang Province : Bengkulu |
0811737XXX |