Paket Package


Reading quality news on is now easier

Get unlimited access to reliable news and analysis with additional 2GB internet quota for only Rp55,000. Activate Package now and enjoy the convenience of paying with Telkomsel credit.

Enjoy the service now

How to buy the package

Via MyTelkomsel App:

  1. Open the MyTelkomsel App and select the "Shop" menu.
  2. Go to the "Entertainment" menu, then select the Package.
  3. Press “Buy” and complete the payment.

Via UMB:

  1. Access UMB *363*101#.
  2. Select “ Package” menu.
  3. Choose “Beli/Buy” to confirm your purchase.


How to activate Kompas Premium
  1. After purchasing the data package successfully on MyTelkomsel App, you can log in to using the Telkomsel number you used to buy Package.
  2. You will receive an OTP via WhatsApp.
  3. Enter the OTP for verification.
  4. If the OTP is correct, you will see an account registration page. Enter your name and email to update the account data.
  5. After a successful account registration, you will be directed to homepage. You can access the news as a paid subscriber.

Additional Information