Can MAXstream Quota be used to watch the films on Bioskop Online?
Yes, MAXstream Quota can be used to watch shows on the Bioskop Online app. If the MAXstream Quota runs out or exceeds the expiration date, regular internet quota or normal internet rates (non-package) will be applied when accessing the app.
What if I encounter issues related to the Bioskop Online service?
The voucher code will be sent via SMS after you activated the Bioskop Online package, and it can be redeemed after choosing the content you plan to watch.
How long is the validity period of Bioskop Online vouchers?
The voucher code is valid for 30 days before being redeemed for content. Once the voucher has been redeemed for content, it is valid for 48 hours after redemption.
Terms and Conditions
By activating, visiting, and using the Bioskop Online site, you agree to the Terms of Use of Bioskop Online:
The price includes VAT.
The Bioskop Online package is only valid for domestic use (not applicable for international use, which will incur separate charges).
MAXstream Quota can be used when accessing the Bioskop Online application.
MAXstream Quota cannot be used if the customer is using a VPN.
Telkomsel is not responsible for the content of the shows on this service.
If there is specific third-party content or links that customers access through the Bioskop Online application, that access may consume the customer's main package, including if there are active background application features on the customer's mobile phone.
If MAXstream Quota is depleted, customers can purchase additional MAXstream Quota. If your usage exceeds the provided quota and customers don't have MAXstream Quota, customers will be charged regular internet quota or basic internet rates.
Bioskop Online is a Transactional Video on Demand (TVOD) service that presents quality local content. Bioskop Online also aims to provide a new viewing experience for fans of Indonesian films with interesting, affordable, and comfortable content.
Various quality local content choices can be enjoyed and accessed by all film enthusiasts in the country.
The Bioskop Online site can be enjoyed by anyone, and can be accessed from anywhere, not limited to regions and Indonesian citizens.
Bioskop Online provides Pay-per-View services where customers can purchase single movie tickets. Pay-per-View Bioskop Online does not charge monthly membership fees.
Voucher benefits for Pay-per-View Bioskop Online from Telkomsel are valid for one-time use and cannot be accumulated.
Customers must register to transact before enjoying Bioskop Online content with a valid email address, mobile phone number, and through a Single Sign-On integrated system.
Bioskop Online transactions and payments are non-refundable.
Bioskop Online has the right to change or terminate the Bioskop Online service, functions, and features with/without prior notice to customers.
Bioskop Online is not responsible for misuse, violations of the Terms of Service, economic losses, or others by/from customers, whether caused directly or indirectly related to the use of the Bioskop Online service.
Bioskop Online does not guarantee that the service will run smoothly without technical interruptions or disturbances due to system maintenance.
By agreeing to the Terms of Use, customers release Bioskop Online and related parties from any claims, demands, lawsuits, losses related to the provision of content and Bioskop Online service usage.