This story is probably familiar to you—a story well-known among rural communities and become quite famous in Indonesia, Angling Dharma. Set in an ancient kingdom, the journey of Angling Dharma is very long, memorable, and many people want to know the complete story. So, if you have been following the story from season 1, you can jump in to the season 2. And if you haven’t, we recommend you to watch from season 1.
Actually, there are so many films and series that adopt stories of ancient kingdoms in Indonesia, since there were a lot of kingdoms in each region of ancient Indonesia. Angling Dharma is one of the most interesting ones, where we can learn about the dispute in the Malwapati Kingdom. The journey of our main character is not always wonderful. Prabu Angling Dharma, known as a powerful and wise King of Malwapati, has to face Syudawirat who wants to take over the throne. As a result, Angling Dharma get injured badly and has to leave Malwapati and his followers. Despite the problems and conflicts, the story of life struggle and devotion is quite inspiring for us.
Intrigued? Wait no more, find the 2 seasons of Angling Dharma on MAXstream! Download the app now on the App Store and Play Store, or click the following link.