Have an Issue with IndiHome Internet Connection?

Have an Issue with IndiHome Internet Connection?

Make sure the Modem Device is On
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Make sure the Modem Device is On
  1. Ensure the adapter is installed correctly, it flows electricity, and not in a state of a power outage.
  2. If it doesn't turn on, check the adapter and make sure all the cables are plugged in correctly.
  3. Ensure the Power, PON/LINK, Internet, Wi-Fi/WLAN ONT indicator lights are On.
  4. Restart the modem device periodically.
  5. If you still have problems, please contact:
    • Call center: 188
    • IndiHomeCare social media:
      • Instagram: @indihomecare
      • Facebook: IndiHome Care
      • X: @indihomecare
      • Email: cs@telkomsel.com
Make Sure Internet Usage Does Not Exceed FUP
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Make Sure Internet Usage Does Not Exceed FUP
  1. Ensure internet usage does not exceed the Fair Usage Policy (FUP). FUP can be checked via the MyTelkomsel app.
  2. If usage has reached FUP, please activate speed refreshment on MyTelkomsel app or contact Call Center 188.
Check the Ideal Number of Connected Devices
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Check the Ideal Number of Connected Devices
  1. Ensure the number of connected devices is ideal. Check the number of connected devices in the MyTelkomsel app.
  2. The number of connected devices according to the ideal speed is:
    • 20 Mbps speed, up to 3 devices
    • 30 Mbps speed, up to 3 devices
    • 40 Mbps speed, up to 4 devices
    • 50 Mbps speed, up to 5 devices
    • 100 Mbps speed, up to 10 devices
    • 200 Mbps speed, up to 15 devices
    • 300 Mbps speed, up to 20 devices
Make Sure There are No Unpaid Billing Payment
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Make Sure There are No Unpaid Billing Payment
  1. Make sure there are no outstanding payments on your IndiHome bill.
  2. Checking and paying IndiHome bills can be done using the MyTelkomsel app.
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