SIM Card Change Information | Telkomsel

SIM Card Change Information

How to Change SIM Cards

Via Online
Via Online

Via Telkomsel Virtual Assistant:

  1. Contact Telkomsel Virtual Assistant by typing "Change Card"
  2. Veronika will redirect to the MyTelkomsel weblink
  3. Fill in the data on the MyTelkomsel web
  4. Prepare your identity card  and family card
  5. Upload your identity card, selfie photo while holding identity card, and selfie photo while holding a piece of paper filled with "Change Card" handwriting, your signature, and order date

Telkomsel Virtual Assistant can be accessed at:

Terms and Conditions:

  • Your number does not have banking services (not connected to digital banking or other digital transactions).
  • For kartuHalo customers, bills must have been paid.
  • For simPATI, KARTU As, and Loop customers must not be past the validity period nor currently in the grace period.
  • The replacement SIM card will be delivered by selected courier service partners on a specific date chosen by the customer. The delivery expense will be charged to the customer 
  • Payment on delivery expenses can be completed via Dana and Shopeepay
  • For kartuHalo customers, they must use the email address according to the e-bill, for prepaid personal active email can be used
  • Each uploaded document are suggested no larger than 10MB
  • The card will be sent from the nearest GraPARI to the customer's location, and in a blocked condition (outgoing call, outgoing SMS, internet)
  • Selected courier service's partners and delivery range can be seen in the following table:
    DKI Jakarta Jakarta Pusat
    Jakarta Utara
    Jakarta Timur
    Jakarta Selatan
    Jakarta Barat

  • Your delivery is currently able to be processed by the following selected courier service's partners:
    • JNE
    • SiCepat
  • If your delivery address is beyond the delivery range, please do not be hesitant to visit the nearest MyGraPARI or GraPARI
  • If your number is connected to any banking service, the card change service can only be done at the nearest GraPARI.
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Please note the following points below before visiting MyGraPARI:

  • Ensure your device has 4G support and its 4G feature is active (For Upgrade to 4G).
  • Prepare a valid e-KTP for Indonesian citizens.

Online card replacement requests are valid for the card that has no attached with any banking services. If you have banking services, card replacement can only be done via the nearest GraPARI.

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Before visiting GraPARI, you can make a reservation in advance through the MyTelkomsel application on the "Help Center" menu, then click "GraPARI Appointment" to get an Order ID via SMS. This process is to avoid queues at GraPARI.

Note the following things before visiting GraPARI:

  • Make sure you arrive at GraPARI according to the time and location stated on the reservation SMS.
  • Make sure your device has 4G support and its 4G feature is active.
  • Prepare a valid eKTP for Indonesian citizens; or passport / KITAP / KITAS for foreigners
  • Upgrade cards can be represented by attaching a power of attorney stamped of 10,000 IDR from the card owner, original e-KTP of the card owner & receiver of power attorney, and original family card (KK). The receiver of power attorney must be registered on the same family card (KK).

If the number is registered with a banking service:

  1. Bring your original e-KTP.
  2. Bring the original Family Card.
  3. Bring another (original) identity, such as SIM/Passport/KTA/other identity listed with the customer's name, for compatibility with the customer's e-KTP.
  4. Can be represented by attaching a power of attorney with a stamp of 10,000 IDR from the number owner, original e-KTP of the giver and recipient of power of attorney, original family card (KK). The power of attorney must be registered on one family card (KK).
  5. Bring a card that will be replaced if the condition is broken.
  6. Also, prepare the 3 numbers that have been contacted in the last 1 month as validation data that will be asked by GraPARI.

Complete information on GraPARI locations and service hours can be checked by this link.

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